By Annabel Brodie-Smith
Fashion and investment companies! I’m in investment nirvana with this heady combination of two of my favourite things. With the razzmatazz and glamour of London Fashion Week starting soon, you might be surprised to hear that investment companies have holdings in Burberry, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Next, Moncler and Zara. We’ve talked to Nick Train of Finsbury Growth & Income and Catharine Flood from Scottish Mortgage amongst others about their fashionable investments.
Another investment area that is hotting up is the Venture Capital Trust (VCT) sector which is celebrating its 25th birthday later this year. VCTs invest in Britain’s small and most ambitious companies and have created more than 27,000 jobs since they started. But what impact is Brexit having on these companies and where are VCT managers finding opportunities? Find out more about this and the ESG benefits of investing in VCTs, including stimulating regional growth and investing in green businesses.
I’ve also made some videos where I discuss Brexit, VCT investments and all things ESG with VCT managers, Will Fraser-Allen, Manager of the Albion VCTs, Dr Paul Jourdan, Co-Manager of Amati AIM VCT and Charlie Winward, Manager of the Northern VCTs at Mercia Asset Management. In addition, John Davies, manager of the Seneca Growth Capital VCT, explains his investment strategy with plenty of examples.
Will Fraser-Allen – Albion VCTs, Dr Paul Jourdan – Amati AIM VCT and Charlie Winward – The Northern VCTs discuss how Brexit will affect their portfolio.
Concerns about coronavirus have shaken markets recently but it has hit Asian markets the hardest. It’s devastating to hear about the human cost of coronavirus. Our investment guru, Ian Cowie was due to look at Asia this month (before we’d even heard about coronavirus) and it’s well worth reading his views on the prospects for the region. He also explains why he holds his Asian investment companies which include Henderson Far East Income and JPMorgan Indian. Did you know that six in ten human beings live in Asia?
Finally, the AIC’s Ian Sayers explains why it’s time for regulatory action after the winding-up of the open-ended fund, Woodford Equity Income. Our solution for open-ended funds is ‘reliable redemption’ which means that investors would be given a notice period that matches the realistic time it takes to sell the underlying assets. Of course, there is a better option and that’s called an investment company but then I might be biased…
Wishing you all a good (and fashionable) month!
Annabel Brodie-Smith Communications Director, AIC